B12 and B12 + MIC Injections O’Fallon IL

B12 Shots O'Fallon ILBoth B12 and B12 + Mic injections are a safe and effective way of helping you to lose weight and feel more energetic too.


Vitamin B12 Shots

B12 is a vitamin that many people are deficient in. Vegetarian diets and diets with limited meat, egg, and dairy consumption are often associated with B12 deficiencies. Age is also associated with a B12 deficiency. As we age, our bodies do not absorb B12 as well. Correcting a deficiency, or even a somewhat low level of B12, can dramatically improve your quality of life.

Vitamin B12 deficiencies have many signs and symptoms. A lack of energy, anemia, depression, memory loss, and lackluster skin, hair, and nails. A B12 deficiency also affects bone health and is important for a healthy pregnancy.

B12 + MIC Shots

Many people could benefit from adding MIC to their B12 shots. MIC is the combination of Methionine, Inositol, and Choline.

Methionine is an amino acid that found in animal food products, like Vitamin B12. It helps the body synthesize glutathione, an important anti-oxidant. It can help the body’s collagen production for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It supports the liver to get rid of toxins and helps with inflammation in the body.

Inositol is a B vitamin that is great at helping the body metabolize fat and reducing cholesterol. It helps with appetite control by boosting serotonin in the brain, which may also help with depression and anxiety. Choline can be found in many different foods, including meats and eggs, but can also be found in spinach, beans, and Brussel sprouts.

Is Vitamin B12 Injections or Vitamin B12 + MIC right for me?

Both B12 Mic injections are great for losing those extra pounds by boosting your metabolism and giving you a boost of energy. They are both also great at helping to make your hair, skin, and nails look great.

Both B12 and B12 + MIC shots are best taken as injections than as oral supplements. They bypass your digestive tract to go straight to your bloodstream.

The addition of MIC to Vitamin B12 shots helps aid weight loss further by how it helps the body to metabolize fat and helps prevent fatty liver disease. It is also recommended to help with weight loss in those with normal B12 levels.

Can B12 or B12 + MIC shots be combined with other weight loss medications?

Our medical weight loss clinic in O’Fallon, IL also offers Semaglutide, which can be used along with B12 and B12 MIC injections to help you to reach your overall weight loss goal.
B12, B12 + MIC, and Semaglutide are non-surgical and non-invasive weight loss treatments.

How often will I need to get B12 or B12 + MIC shots?

It depends on your individual need, such as whether you are taking the shots to correct a Vitamin B12 deficiency or are taking it for an energy boost and as an aid in your weight loss treatment plan. Good nutrition and appropriate calorie intake, as well as exercising regularly, may help you see results faster.

How long does it take to see results?

The energy boost from receiving a B12 shot or B12 + MIC shot is felt almost immediately after receiving your first injection. Noticeable weight loss is often seen after about a month of injections.  

Call Sunrise at 618-974-7434 for an appointment for your B12 + MIC or B12 injection at our O’Fallon weight management clinic today!

*Results may vary.